Who We Are
Our Clubs provide a second family to many of our youth. When our families are strong, our communities are stronger, and our future is bright!
Our mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. We are advocates for children and for Ohio’s future.
About Us
The Ohio Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs is a nonprofit organization formed to maximize the impact of Clubs across Ohio and drive partnerships with state government. Ohio Clubs impact the lives of young people in vital areas such as academic success, healthy drug-free lifestyles, and good character and citizenship. We develop children to become productive, caring, and responsible adults. Club kids develop the skills needed for academic success, the experiences needed to enter the workforce, and the character to actively engage in their communities. It is not an overstatement that an investment in the Boys and Girls Clubs of Ohio is an investment in the future social and economic success of our state.
The 13 Boys & Girls Clubs of Ohio operate over 100 sites across Ohio. Currently, we have the capacity to serve 60,000 Ohio youth to help them succeed in school, work, and life. Leveraging the partnership between private and public investment, Ohio Clubs serve more kids than any other youth focused organization outside of the public school system.
We aspire to provide school age youth, particularly those who are at risk, with a quality out-of-school experience.
“The most valuable thing I received at (the Club) was a chance to find myself and figure out who I want to be in life.”
What We Do
The Ohio Alliance is focused on securing resources that result in measurable outcomes for academic achievement, career skill building, workforce development, safer neighborhoods, juvenile crime reduction, prevention of opioid abuse, improved mental health, and positive civic engagement. We organize our collective body of clubs into a single force of leverage and influence, and secure state and private funding to make a real impact across Ohio.
What Our Clubs Provide:
Our History
Our movement has deep roots.
The Boys & Girls Clubs of America began in 1860 as the Boys Club in Hartford, Conn. After that, the movement quickly spread throughout the United States. In 1956, Boys Clubs of America celebrated its 50th anniversary and received a U.S. Congressional Charter. And, in 1990, the national organization’s name was changed to Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
For nearly two decades, the Ohio Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs has been advocating for youth of the state. Each Club has its own story, but they all lead to #GreatFuturesOhio.